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Community Opportunities

CommUnity Care Clinic- Worked with Rebecca Canby at the North Central Health Center as well as assisted with the cooking classes at the Southeast location. Provided nutritional counseling/education on diabetes, hypertension, weight loss, and hyperlipidemia in a community setting. Research Project: Provided research on delivery models and healthy food initiatives/nudges for food pantries in order to assist with the opening of the food pantry at the Southeast location. 

Killeen Clinic- Led a nutrition education class for patients of the clinic. The presentation focused on basic nutrition education as well as how to make healthy choices when eating out. I absolutely loved teaching this class, and I felt that the participants enjoyed it as well. There was a lot of participation and questions throughout the session!

Cedar Park Fire Fighter Study- I assisted with this research study by presenting a power point to a group of Fire Fighters on sodium, saturated fat, and how diet is linked with chronic disease. This presentation was a lot of fun- the men were very engaging and seemed interested in the material presented. This department is involved in an on-going study with the UT Nutritional Sciences Department to investigate chronic disease and eating habits in these men.  

Nutrition Counseling at Kyle Market Days- In partnership with Seton, our entire internship group was able to provide free nutrition counseling to attendees of the Kyle Market Days event this summer. This was a great opportunity for me to hone my nutrition counseling skills that I had just learned during my rotation at Texas Nutrition Consultants. I counseled a woman who is pre-diabetic who also has high cholesterol and the session went very well! I really enjoy nutrition counseling and education, so this opportunity was helpful for me to gain more experience in this area. 

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